Sheila Seger Benditz is proof that you can start bodybuilding at any age and look amazing to. If sheila doesn't motivate you to hit the gym, then no one does. She combines beauty, a great physique, and a great outgoing personality into an amazing woman. Sheila is also a trainer and gym owner. Basically put, Sheila is what is good and right about bodybuilding and fitness. I am very happy Sheila was open for doing this interview because I feel she is one of those women everyone who follows the sport should know and be aware of. So for those of you who do not know her, here is your opportunity.
Q: First, Sheila, I want to thank you for taking the time out to do this.
A: you're welcome Jason, thank you for asking, I really appreciate it.
Q: Can you start out by telling a little about yourself. Family, where you are from, things like that.
A: I am a 57yr old mother of 3, grandmother of 4. Born and raised on a farm in Beeville, TX.
Q: Before you started training, were you an especially athletic person? Play any sports?
A: I was a cheeleader in high school as well I played volleyball in high school and college, I have run 3 marathons and played competitive tennis for years. I started resistance training 20yrs ago.
Q: What got you into the gym to begin with and was bodybuilding the goal from day one?
A: Felt like I needed to tone and strengthen my muscles. No intention of bodybuilding in the beginning.
Q: Was weight training something you picked up fairly easy? How long before you saw results?
A: Yes, i believe so. I truly was not happy with my results until I started eating properly about a year after beginning.
Q: How long were you training when you decided to compete, and what made you decide to compete?
A: Got serious in 2000, and competed for the first time in June 2001.
Q: Was competing something your family and friends supported at the time and how about now?
A: Yes, they have all supported me well.
Q: Was the first contest what you expected? Did anything surprise you?
A: I had no idea what to expect, I went into this almost blind, I only got down to 6%bf. What surprised me, this was a small drug free show, but they placed more importance on being lean, not muscle volume, except for the woman who won, she looked great.
Q: Can you share your contest history.
A: Can not remember that 1st show, but I did Texas State in 2003 (figure) masters 1st place. Then 2003 Heart O Texas (figure) did not fair to well, this is when I realized that i did not have the body to be a figure competitor. If I would have entered the bodybuilding that year at the show, I would have placed well.
2008 Branch Warren Classic (bodybuilding) 1st place open & masters. 2008 Europa (middleweight bodybuilding) 3rd place open & 2nd place masters
broke my wrist and had surgery in June 2009, so cancelled that year out.
Q: What do you consider your best body part or the one that gets the most compliments?
A: I think my back is my best body part.
Q: Do you have a favorite part to train or favorite exercise?
A: I truly enjoy working out, so this is a tough question, but if I have to put just one down, legs. I have never maxed out anything, but i work up to 600lbs on my leg press at 12 reps.
Q: What is your normal training routine and diet like and how do you alter it for contest prep?
A: 1 1/2-2hrs a day 4-5days/week & 45mins cardio. I always eat fairly clean, I keep myself around 14%bf off season.
Alter-6 days week 1 1/2-2hrs. Add in sprint work and bleachers. Add protein in my diet and eat exactly how I am supposed to, I got down to 1.8%bf last time.
Q: What is the best and worst part of competing?
A: Best part is seeing the results and how far you can push your body.
Worst part-last day before show with no water!! And still needing to eat.
Q: When someone sees your physique for the first time, what is the most common reaction? More positive or negative?
A: Mostly positive comments, usually about my arms.
Q: When they see it that first time, what is the one question or comment you are sick of hearing?
A: Its the way people think you get these results in a couple of months, and want to know the secret!!
Q: What is the biggest misconception about female bodybuilders or the thing you most wish people understood?
A: Hate that they think we are masculine.
Q: DO you think muscular women are more or less accepted by society today then five years ago?
A: I feel they are more accepted, even the figure women have some muscularity that is a lot more than the average woman.
Q: Someone says to you "women should not be that muscular" how do you respond?
A: I have never had to experience this, but I would probably just say that I like how I look, and that is all that matters.
Q: Do you have any favorite bodybuilders?
A: Past ones-Rachel Mclish, Cory Everson, and Diana Dennis.
Current- Tina Chandler & Melissa Detwiller
Q: Do you have a favorite cheat food?
A: Mexican, usually fajitas. After a show, dutch apple pie!! YUM YUM!!
Q: IF another woman told you she wanted to start bodybuilding, what is the one piece of advice you would most want to give her?
A: Get your bodyfat down early so you're not killing yourself as contest nears with excessive cardio. Also, be focused.
Q: Now you also are a gym owner and personal trainer. How can people find out more about the gym and what does it offer?
A: My gym is called IronCity Gym & Fitness Center in Montgomery, TX. You can check us out on the web, montgomerytxgym.com or call us 936-597-4496. We are a small town gym with no hard selling, stuffed with equipment, and open 24hrs. I also own a personal training studio in Magnolia, TX. called Custom Fitness.
Q: What do you enjoy about training others?
A: Seeing them reach their goals and the changes that occur in their physique.
Q: Whats the biggest mistake you see people new to training make?
A: I see a lot of young men, who train older clients doing the same type of workout, they do.Ii also see newer trainers not getting enough information out of their clients. and lastly they do not change up the routine. I also see trainers giving bad nutritional advice a lot.
Q: Outside of training, any other hobbies or activities you enjoy?
A: At this time I do not have a lot of time for hobbies, I do enjoy getting out on the motorcycle with my husband.
Q: Describe a typical day in the life of Sheila Seger-Benditz.
A: Up at 5am, cardio, then hit the shower to get ready for the day. Make breakfast, then prepare my lunch. Then I hit my personal training studio for my workout then train a client. Then off to my gym, for more clients. Home around 7:30-8pm. looking for some dinner and to relax.
Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: I think my strength really surprises people.
Q: Favorite actor, movie, TV show, and musician?
A: Goldie Hawn, Overboard , Amazing Race, Eagles/Motley Crue
Q: Describe Sheila Seger-Benditz in five words.
A: Strong, Fun, Caring, Fit, and Sexy
Q: Any set plans coming up as far as competing or anything?
A: No set plans, still working out issues with my wrist.
Q: Anything you want to take this opportunity to plug or promote?
A: Nothing right now, just your blog!!
Q: Are you looking for sponsors. If so, how can they contact you and what are they getting in Sheila Seger-Benditz the athlete and competitor?
A: No, I am not, dont know who is looking for a 57yr old fbb to sponsor, but if someone out there is, contact me at my gym-IronCity Gym 936-597-4496 or getfit@montgomerytxgym.com.
Q: Sheila, again, I thank you for taking the time to do this. Any last words before you go?
A: Jason, thank you so much for asking me to do this. I got into the world of bodybuilding late, but I thoroughly enjoyed it since I got here!! XOXO
Hey Sheila! You Sexy Chick! Wanna arm wrestle?
I just wanted to comment on what a beautiful and strong woman she is, not only on the outside, but on the inside as well! A great mother & my best friend!
ReplyDeletexoxo! Shelli
YOu know her better than me obivously. But I think she is great
ReplyDeleteI am 41 years old and have for the first time in my life just started working out about four months ago. I was fortunate that I went to Iron City Gym and met Sheila. She has been training with me twice a week and it has changed my life. Sheila is very caring and encouraging. If it were not for her, I probably would not have stayed with working out as long as I have. She has been a true blessing for me.