1. Amateur Bantamweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Greg Fischer (1-1) vs Alex Steinkoenig (0-0)
RD 1: Leg kick by Fischer. Body kick by Fischer. Takedown by Steinkoenig into half guard. Fischer goes for a leg. Head shots by Steinkoenig. Fischer gets his back and gets a rear naked and puts him to sleep.
Result: Greg Fischer by Technical Submission (Rear Naked Choke) at 1:45 of Round 1
2. Amateur Welterweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Delwayne Stephney (2-1) vs Adam Valcourt (0-0)
RD 1: Leg kick by Stephney. Push kick by Stephney. Body kick by Valcourt. Leg kick by Stephney. They clinch and Stephney gets a takedown but Valcourt lands on top in side control. Stephney pulls guard. Head shots by Valcourt. Hammer fists to the head by Valcourt. Valcourt passes and gets side control. Valcourt gets mount and then his back and gets a rear naked for the tap.
Result: Adam Valcourt by Tapout (Rear Naked Choke) at 2:26 of Round 1
3. Amateur Strawweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Allison Haynes (1-0) vs JoAnna Catabui (1-0)
RD 1: They trade hard punches. Haynes lands punches on the cage. They clinch on the cage. Knee to the body by Catabui. Body shots by Catabui. Knees to the leg by Haynes. Knees to the body by Catabui. Knee to the leg by Catabui. Knees to the leg by Haynes. They separate. Hard cross by Haynes. They trade jabs. Leg kick by Catabui. Leg kick by Haynes. Haynes lands several punches. Leg kick by Catabui.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Catabui
RD 2: They trade leg kicks. Cross by Catabui. Haynes hurts her with punches. They clinch on the cage. Knees to the leg by Catabui. Knee to the leg by Haynes and another. Knee to the body by Catabui. Head shots by Haynes. Knee to the leg by Catabui. They separate. Leg kick by Haynes. They trade punches. Leg kick by Haynes. Haynes lands punches and has her backing up. Leg kick by Catabui. Jab and cross by Haynes. Hook by Haynes.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Haynes
RD 3: Cross by Haynes. Leg kick by Catabui. Leg kick by Haynes. They trade punches. Haynes lands several punches and Catabui is bleeding from the nose. Push kick by Haynes and another. Haynes lands more punches and has her backing up. Leg kick by Haynes. Cross by Haynes. Cross by Catabui. Leg kick by Haynes. Leg kick by Catabui. Leg kick by Haynes. Haynes lands punches.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Haynes
My score card: 29-28 Haynes
Result: Allison Haynes by Unanimous Decision (29-28/29-28/29-28)
4. Amateur Bantamweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Charlie McGuire (2-1) vs Jeremy Clark (6-3)
RD 1: They clinch and move to the cage. Knee to the leg by McGuire. McGuire lands a knee low stopping action. They resume and McGuire shoots in but cant get the takedown. Body kick by McGuire. They drop down and Clark gets side control. Clark tries to get his back and they stand. They trade hooks. Hook by Clark. They clinch and move to the cage. Knee to the leg by McGuire. Knee to the head by Clark and McGuire turns away and the ref stops it saying McGuire verbally submitted although McGuire is arguing it.
Result: Jeremy Clark by Verbal Submission (Strikes) at 2:06 of Round 1
5. Amateur Middleweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Devin Izzard (1-1) vs Scott Noble (2-0)
RD 1: Izzard lands punches. Cross by Noble hurts him. Flying knee lands for Noble. They trade punches. Takedown by Izzard into guard. Elbows to the head from the bottom by Noble. Noble escapes and they stand. Noble drops him with punches and lets him up. More hard punches against the cage by Noble. Izzard shoots in but Noble gets his back and then they stand. Noble keeps backing up and letting Izzard recover. Noble lands hard punches on the cage.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Noble
RD 2: The ref stops the fight between rounds.
Result: Scott Noble by TKO at 3:00 of Round 1
6. Pro Welterweight 5x5x5 Rounds
Willie Hosch (0-0) vs Stephen Govan (2-6)
RD 1:Hook by Hosch. They trade jabs. Body kick by Govan. Hook by Hosch. They trade punches. They clinch and quickly separate. They trade punches. They clinch and separate quick. Hosch lands punches. Hook by Govan. Takedown by Hosch into half guard. Short head shots by Hosch, Govan gets full guard. Head shots by Hosch. Elbow to the head by Hosch. Hosch lets him up. Push kick by Hosch. Hook by Hosch. Leg kick by Govan. Hook by Hosch. Hosch lands punches on the cage. Hook by Govan. Hook by Hosch. Uppercut by Govan. Leg kick by Govan. Hosch drops him with an uppercut and gets on top landing punches.. Govan rolls and gets his back. Hosch escapes and stands and drops down punches.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Hosch
RD 2: Hook by Govan. Leg kick by Govan. Uppercut by Hosch. Hosch looks really tired. Clinch and takedown by Hosch into half guard. Punch to the head by Hosch. Body shots by Hosch. Head shots by Hosch. Hosch lets him up. Leg kick by Govan. They trade hooks. They clinch in the center of the cage and Govan lands a knee to the body and they separate. Cross by Govan. Hook by Hosch. Hosch lands punches but looks really tired. Takedown by Hosch into side control. Elbow to the head by Hosch. Govan rolls and gets his back but Hosch reverses and is on top in guard. Head shots from the bottom by Govan. The ref stands them. Both are missing a lot of punches. They clinch and takedown by Hosch.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Hosch
RD 3: Leg kick by Govan. Hosch lands punches against the cage. They drop down with Hosch on top in north south. Head shots by Hosch. Govan is cut bad by his eye. Govan's coach is going crazy about something and the ref stops the fight to kick him out. They resume and Hosch lands a hook. Hook by Govan. They clinch and move to the cage. Govan's eye is swollen shut. Knees to the leg by Hosch. Knee to the body by Govan. Punch to the body by Govan. They separate. Hosch shoots and gets a takedown into half guard. Body shots from the bottom by Govan. Govan works his way up as the round ends.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Govan
My score card: 29-28 Hosch
Result: Willie Hosch by Unanimous Decision (30-27/30-27/30-27)
7. Pro Lightweight 5x5x5 Rounds
Ruben Warr (0-1) vs Brett Glass (0-0)
RD 1: Leg kick by Warr. Jab by Glass. Leg kick by Glass. Leg kick by Warr. Leg kick by Glass. Cross by Warr. Jab by Glass. Leg kick by Glass. Leg kick by Warr. Cross by Glass. Leg kick by Glass. Leg kick by Warr. Jab and cross by Glass. Hook by Glass. Leg kick by Warr. Body kick by Glass. Warr shoots in but eats punches. Glass lands more punches. Knee to the head by Glass. Warr shoots again but Glass sprawls. Glass drops him with a hook and lands more punches. They stand. Warr shoots again and again Glass sprawls and lands head shots. They stand. Head kick by Glass. Warr tries again for a takedown but Glass gets on top and then stands and drops down punches.
I scored RD 1: 10-8 Glass
RD 2: Leg kick by Warr. Hard hook by Warr. Leg kick by Warr. Hook by Warr. Takedown by Warr into half guard. Head shots by Warr. Body shots by Warr. Warr gets mount but nice escape by Glass and they stand. Cross by Glass. Hook by Warr. Warr shoots but Glass sprawls and gets his back and gets his hooks in. Head shots by Glass. Glass stands and drops down punches. Warr pulls him back down and is on top in half guard. Elbows to the head by Warr. Body shots by Warr.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Warr
RD 3: Leg kick by Glass. They clinch and move to the cage. Knee to the body by Glass and another. Knee to the leg by Glass. Takedown by Glass into half guard. Warr sweeps and is on top in half guard. Elbows to the head by Warr. Body shots by Warr. Glass sweeps and gets mount. Head shots by Glass. Glass gets his back in side control and lands body shots. Elbow to the body by Glass. More elbows to the body by Glass. Punches to the body by Glass. They stand still clinched on the cage. Knees to the head by Glass. Head shots by Glass. They drop down with Glass on top landing elbows.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Glass
My score card: 29-27 Glass
Result: Brett Glass by Unanimous Decision (30-27/29-28/29-28)
8. Pro Lightweight 5x5x5 Rounds
Christian Leonard (1-2) vs Caleb McAllister (1-1)
RD 1: Leg kick by Leonard. Cross by Leonard. They trade leg kicks. Leg kick by McAllister. Double jab by Leonard. Leg kick by McAllister. Takedown by McAllister into side control. Leonard reverses and goes for a guillotine. McAllister escapes and is on top in guard. They stand still clinched on the cage. Takedown by McAllister into side control. McAllister stands and drops down into half guard. McAllister gets side control and then goes for a north south choke. He lets it go and stands and kicks at his legs. Leonard gets up. Hook by Leonard.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 McAllister
RD 2: Leg kick by McAllister. Leonard gets poked in the eye stopping action. They resume. Cross by Leonard. Leonard lands punches. McAllister shoots in and gets a takedown into guard. Leonard tries for a guillotine but McAllister escapes. McAllister moves to side control and lands head shots. McAllister gets mount and then an armbar for the tap.
Result: Caleb McAllister by Tapout (Armbar) at 1:56 of Round 2
9. Pro Welterweight 5x5x5 Rounds
Bryan Lane (2-0) vs Elder Ramos (3-3)
RD 1: Leg kick by Lane. They clinch on the cage. Body shots by Lane. Ramos is working hard for a single. Knee to the body by Lane. Takedown by Ramos but they are up quick still clinched. They drop down with Lane on top. Lane stands and drops down into half guard. Lane stands and drops down punches. Lane gets his back and lands head shots. Lane for for an armbar but Ramos escapes and stands. They trade punches. Ramos drops him with a hook and lands more punches. Ramos lets him up and drops him again with punches and lands more. Ramos lets him up and lands more punches till the ref stops it.
Result: Elder Ramos by TKO at 3:15 of Round 1
10. Pro Bantamweight 5x5x5 Rounds
Justin Hickey (6-3) vs Bryan Lashomb (5-1)
RD 1: They trade jabs. They clinch and move to the cage and separate. Leg kick by Lashomb. They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Lashomb but they are up quick. Leg kick by Hickey. Knee to the body by Hickey. They clinch on the cage and separate quick. They trade punches. Body kick by Hickey drops him. Hickey gets on top and lands elbows to the head. Hickey gets his back and then north south. They stand. Body kick by Lashomb. They clinch on the cage. Knee to the head by Hickey. Nice throw by Hickey and he gets his back and then side control. Head shots by Hickey. Knee to the body by Hickey. Hickey gets his back but Lashomb goes for an ankle. Head shots by Hickey.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Hickey
RD 2: Body kick by Lashomb. Lashomb hurts him with a hook. Flying knee by Lashomb drops him. Lashomb lands punches. Hickey is able to stand. They trade punches. Cross by Lashomb. They trade punches. Body kick by Hickey. Cross by Hickey. They clinch on the cage. Knees to the leg by Lashomb. They separate. Body kick by Hickey. Cross by Lashomb. Head kick by Hickey. Knee to the body by Hickey. They clinch on the cage but quickly separate and trade punches. They clinch and takedown by Hickey into mount. Head shots by Hickey. They stand and drop back down with Hickey in half guard. Head shots from the bottom by Lashomb. They stand. Hook by Hickey. Hook by Lashomb.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Lashomb
RD 3: They trade punches. Leg kick by Lashomb. They trade punches. Leg kick by Lashomb. Body kick by Lashomb. Knee to the body by Hickey. Cross by Hickey. Jab and cross by Hickey. They trade punches. They clinch on the cage and quickly separate. Body kick by Lashomb. Jab and cross by Hickey. They clinch on the cage and separate quick. Hickey lands punches and has him backing up. Hickey drops him with punches and lands an illegal knee to the head and is deducted a point. Leg kick by Lashomb. Cross by Lashomb. Jab by Lashomb. Leg kick by Hickey. Jab by Lashomb. They trade hooks. Cross by Hickey. Jumping knee to the body by Hickey. Jab by Hickey. Hook to the body by Hickey. Body kick by Lashomb. They trade hard punches. Hickey lands a kick low stopping action. They resume. Body kick by Lashomb. Slam by Lashomb but they are up quick still clinched on the cage. Takedown by Hickey.
I scored RD 3: 9-9
My score card: 28-28 Draw
Result: Justin Hickey by Majority Decision (28-28/29-27/29-27)
Submission of the Night: Caleb McAllister
Knockout of the Night: Elder Ramos
Fight of the Night: Justin Hickey vs Bryan Lashomb
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