1. Amateur Welterweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Steve Saldana (2-0) vs Brett Kasler (0-0)
RD 1: Hard hook by Saldana. They clinch and takedown by Kasler into guard. Saldana looks for a triangle and lands head shots. The triangle looks tight but Kasler is hanging in there. Head shots by Kasler and he escapes the triangle. They stand clinched on the cage. Knees to the leg by Kasler. They separate. Leg kick by Kasler. Cross by Saldana.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Saldana
RD 2: Leg kick by Saldana. They trade hard punches. Leg kick by Kasler. Takedown by Kasler but Saldana gets mount and lands head shots. Hammer fists by Saldana. More head shots by Saldana and the ref stops it.
Result: Steve Saldana by TKO at 2:14 of Round 2
2. Amateur Heavyweight 3x3x3 Rounds
John MacGregor (0-0) vs Dylan McNemar (0-0)
RD 1: Cross by MacGregor. MacGregor lands hard punches and drops him and lands more till the ref stops it.
Result: John MacGregor by TKO at :18 of Round 1
3. Amateur Flyweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Jimmy McMillen (0-0) vs Dib Kaddah (0-1)
RD 1: They trade jabs. Leg kick by McMillen. Takedown by Kaddah into guard. Punch to the body by Kaddah. They stand. They clinch on the cage. Kaddah looks for a single leg and gets it into side control. Nice job by McMillen to stand but Kaddah brings him back down into guard. Head shots from the bottom by McMillen. Kaddah gets his back and goes for a rear naked. McMillen escapes and is on top in guard. Head shots by McMillen.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Kaddah
RD 2: Leg kick by McMillen. They clinch on the cage and a takedown by Kaddah into guard. Punch to the body by Kaddah. Head shots by Kaddah. Kaddah stands and drops down punches and then lets him up. Takedown by Kaddah and they are in north south. The ref stands them quickly. Kaddah gets a takedown but they are up quick. They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Kaddah and he gets his back. Nice escape by McMillen and he gets his back and lands head shots. Kaddah rolls and gets on top.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Kaddah
RD 3: Cross by McMillen. Kaddah lands punches. Takedown by McMillen into guard. They trade head shots on the ground. Short head shots by McMillen. McMillen tries to get his back but Kaddah gets on top in guard. McMillen tries for an omoplata but can't get it and Kaddah is back in guard and then mount. Body shots by Kaddah.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 McMillen
My score card: 29-28 Kaddah
Result: Dib Kaddah by Unanimous Decision (29-28/30-27/29-28)
4. Amateur Welterweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Derek Tranchito (0-0) vs Matthew Zindren (0-0)
RD 1: Leg kick by Zindren. They trade leg kicks. Zindren lands punches. They clinch on the cage. Knees to the body by Zindren. They trade head shots. Hard uppercut by Zindren. Knee to the body by Tranchito. Slam by Zindren into half guard. Tranchito is defending well. Tranchito looks for a triangle. Zindren picks him up and throws him down and Tranchito hits his head on the floor and is out.
Result: Matthew Zindren by KO at 2:10 of Round 1
5. Amateur Middleweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Aaron Jeffery (2-1) vs A.J. Jaquish (1-0)
RD 1: Jaquish lands a cross and they clinch and drop down. Jeffery gets his back and flattens him and lands head shots. Nice job by Jaquish to roll and get on top in guard. Body shots by Jaquish. They scramble and Jeffery gets his back and lands head shots and Jaquish taps.
Result: Aaron Jeffery by Tapout (Strikes) at 2:29 of Round 1
6. Amateur Flyweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Timothy Duran (1-0) vs Jonathan Coffman (0-0)
RD 1: They clinch and takedown by Duran into guard. Coffman goes for an armbar but Duran escapes and stands. Leg kick by Coffman. Takedown by Duran into guard. Punch to the head by Duran. Coffman goes for an arm but Duran escapes and stands. Leg kick by Coffman. They clinch on the cage. Knee to the body by Coffman. Takedown by Duran into guard. Punch to the head by Duran. The ref stands them. Hook by Duran.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Duran
RD 2: Spin kick by Coffman to the body. Takedown by Duran into mount. Coffman pulls guard. Duran stands and lets him up. Cross by Duran. Knees to the body by Coffman. Coffman has him hurt with punches. Takedown by Duran into guard. Duran stands and lets him up. Cross by Coffman. Knee to the body by Coffman. Takedown by Duran into guard.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Coffman
RD 3: They clinch on the cage and drop down with Duran on top in guard. Hammer fist by Duran. Duran moves to half guard and then side control. Knee to the body by Duran. Coffman gets guard. Coffman gets a triangle and the tap.
Result: Jonathan Coffman by Tapout (Triangle) at 1:23 of Round 3
7. Amateur Featherweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Joseph Keller (2-1) vs Pat Phelan (2-0)
RD 1: They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Phelan into side control. Short head shots by Phelan. Phelan traps an arm and lands head shots. Keller gets his arm out and pulls guard. Head shots by Phelan and the ref stops it.
Result: Pat Phelan by TKO at 1:09 of Round 1
8. Amateur Welterweight Title 3x3x3 Rounds
Xavier Nash (4-0) vs Josh Krizan (5-1)
RD 1: Krizan shoots in and gets a takedown into half guard. Nash gets full guard. Nash avoids damage well. Body shots by Krizan. Head shots from the bottom by Nash. Body shots by Krizan.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Krizan
RD 2: Leg kick by Nash. Takedown by Krizan into guard. Nash tries for a triangle but Krizan escapes. and then Nash goes for an armbar but Krizan escapes it and is in half guard. Nash gets full guard. Body shots by Krizan. The ref stands them. Krizan shoots in but Nash gets mount and lands head shots. Krizan gets half guard.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Nash
RD 3: They trade punches. Leg kick by Nash. Krizan lands punches. They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Krizan into half guard. Krizan gets his back but Nash gets half guard. Body shots by Krizan. Nice job by Nash to stand. They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Krizan into half guard. Nash gets full guard. Nash is trying for an arm but can't get it.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Krizan
My score card: 29-28 Krizan
Result: Josh Krizan by Split Decision (29-28/28-29/29-28)
9. Pro Featherweight 5x5x5 Rounds
Joe Szczublewski (0-0) vs Mike Velasquez (0-0)
RD 1: Cross by Velasquez. Leg kick by Velasquez. Hook by Velasquez. They trade punches. Knee to the body by Velasquez. Velasquez lands punches on the cage. Szczublewski tries for a takedown but can't get it. Hard jab by Velasquez. They trade punches. Takedown by Velasquez into side control. Head shots by Velasquez. Knee to the body by Velasquez. Szczublewski tries for an armbar but Velasquez escapes. Velasquez now is in north south and lands body shots. Velasquez tries for an arm but Szczublewski rolls and they stand clinched on the cage. Knee to the leg by Velasquez. Punch to the body by Velasquez. They separate. Jab by Velasquez. Velasquez lands punches on the cage.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Velasquez
RD 2: Jab and cross by Velasquez. Velasquez lands punches against the cage. Cross by Velasquez. They clinch and Velasquez lands knees to the body. They move to the cage and Velasquez lands more knees. They separate. Body kick by Velasquez. Jab by Velasquez. Two hooks by Szczublewski. Szczublewski shoots in for a takedown but Velasquez sprawls and lands elbows to the head. Szczublewski still trying to finish the takedown and does into side control. Velasquez pulls guard. Szczublewski lets him up. Szczublewski drops him with a hook and gets on top landing punches but Velasquez rolls and gets on top in guard. They trade head shots on the ground. More head shots from the bottom by Szczublewski. They stand. Hook by Szczublewski. They trade punches.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Szczublewski
RD 3: Cross by Velasquez. They trade punches. Cross by Velasquez. Hook by Szczublewski. Velasquez lands punches and elbows to the head on the cage. Velasquez takes him down into guard. Velasquez gets side control and lands body shots. Elbow to the head by Velasquez. Velasquez tries for an arm but can't get it. Elbows to the body by Velasquez. Szczublewski gets half guard and then full guard. Body shots by Velasquez. Velasquez stands and kicks at his legs. Velasquez drops down a hard punch and then lets him up. They trade punches. Hook by Szczublewski.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Velasquez
My score card: 29-28 Velasquez
Result: Mike Velasquez by Unanimous Decision (29-28/30-27/30-27)
10. Pro Flyweight 5x5x5 Rounds
Raymond Yanez (1-0) vs Tim Enright (1-1)
RD 1: Leg kick by Enright. Cross by Yanez. Leg kick by Enright. Takedown by Enright into guard. Punch to the body by Enright. Enright stands and kicks at his legs. Enright lets him up. Head kick by Enright. Takedown by Enright into guard. Enright lands elbows to the head. Enright stands and kicks at his legs and lets him up. They trade body kicks. Body kick by Yanez. Hook by Enright. They clinch and Enright gets a takedown into guard. Yanez tries for an arm but Enright escapes and is in side control. Enright gets his back. Yanez escapes and stands and lets him up. Hook by Yanez. Cross by Yanez. They clinch on the cage.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Enright
RD 2: They trade punches. Leg kick by Enright. They clinch and Enright lands knees to the head. Takedown by Enright and Yanez looks for a leg and then a kneebar. Enright escapes and the ref stands them. Hook by Yanez. Leg kick by Enright. Hook by Yanez. Cross by Yanez. Enright shoots and gets a takedown into guard. Elbows to the head by Enright. Yanez is defending well. Elbows to the head by Enright. They stand and trade punches. Takedown by Enright into guard. Yanez rolls and they stand.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Enright
RD 3: Uppercut by Enright. They trade punches. Yanez catches a kick and they clinch on the cage and quickly separate. Hook by Yanez. Cross to the body by Enright. Takedown by Enright and they stand quick. Leg kick by Enright. They clinch and quickly separate. Takedown by Enright into guard. Head shots from the bottom by Yanez. They stand. They clinch on the cage and Enright gets a takedown into side control. Yanez gets half guard and then full guard. Enright stands and lets him up. Leg kick by Enright. Cross by Yanez. Takedown by Yanez into guard. Yanez lets him up. Cross by Enright. Hook by Yanez.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Enright
My score card: 30-27 Enright
Result: Tim Enright by Unanimous Decision (29-28/30-27/29-28)
11. Pro Light Heavyweight 5x5x5 Rounds
Tyler Beckley (6-1) vs Matt Masterson (9-3)
RD 1: Jab by Beckley. Leg kick by Masterson. Takedown by Beckley against the cage. Beckley gets side control but Masterson pulls guard. Body shots by Beckley. Beckley gets side control but Masterson rolls and gets his back. Beckley gets half guard. Body shots by Masterson. Hammer fists to the body by Masterson. Beckley tries for an arm but can't get it. The ref stands them. Beckley drops him with a knee to the body and lets him up. They trade punches and clinch on the cage. They drop down and Masterson is on top in half guard. Beckley tries for an arm but the round ends.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Beckley
RD 2: Leg kick by Masterson. They clinch on the cage and drop down with Beckley on top in half guard. Head shots by Beckley. Masterson gets full guard. Masterson is warned for grabbing the fence. Beckley moves to side control and Masterson reverses and gets his back. Head shots by Masterson. Masterson looks for a rear naked but Beckley rolls and gets half guard. Elbow to the body by Masterson. Beckley tries for an arm but can't get it. Body shots by Masterson. The ref stands them. Hard hook by Beckley. Beckley lands hard punches on the cage. Beckley tries for a takedown but Masterson lands on top in half guard. Body shots by Masterson.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Beckley
RD 3: Cross by Masterson. Takedown by Beckley into half guard. Head shots by Beckley. Beckley lets him up. Masterson takes him down and gets his back. Beckley defends well. Head shots by Masterson. Beckley gets half guard but Masterson gets his back again. Beckley escapes and they stand. Hard hook by Beckley. Cross and hook by Beckley. Takedown by Masterson into half guard. Body shots by Masterson. Beckley tries for an arm. Body shots by Masterson. Body shots from the bottom by Beckely.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Masterson
My score card: 29-28 Beckley
Result: Matt Masterson by Unanimous Decision (29-28/30-27/30-27)
Submission of the Night: Jonathan Coffman
Knockout of the Night: Matthew Zindren
Fight of the Night: Joe Szczublewski vs Mike Velasquez
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