1. Amateur Welterweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Kevin Brockman (0-0) vs Sonny Johnson (1-0)
RD 1: Jab by Brockman. Takedown by Johnson and he gets mount. Head shots by Johnson. Johnson gets his back but Brockman rolls and is on top in guard. Johnson holds him close and avoids damage. They stand clinched on the cage. Takedown by Brockman into side control. Head shots by Brockman. Brockman gets his back and lands punches.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Brockman
RD 2: Takedown by Brockman into half guard. Brockman gets his back and a rear naked for the tap.
Result: Kevin Brockman by Tapout (Rear Naked Choke) at 0:38 of Round 2
2. Amateur Lightweight 3x3x3 Rounds
James Cantwell (0-0) vs Robbie Harbach (0-0)
RD 1: They trade jabs and clinch on the cage. Takedown by Harbach into guard and he lands head shots. Cantwell almost stands but can't. Head shots by Harbach. Cantwell goes for an arm but Harbach moves to side control and pushes him against the cage. Cantwell rolls and escapes and they stand. Body kick by Cantwell. Cantwell hurts him with punches. They clinch on the cage. Punch to the body by Harbach.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Harbach
RD 2: They trade punches. Leg kick by Harbach. Jab by Cantwell. Takedown by Harbach into side control. Head shots by Harbach. Harbach gets mount and lands head shots till the ref stops it.
Result: Robbie Harbach by TKO at 0:46 of Round 2
3. Amateur Lightweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Ruben Marin (0-0) vs Shawn Boone (0-2)
RD 1: Leg kick and cross by Marin. Body kick by Marin. Marin is calling him on. The ref warns them to fight. Marin lands punches on the cage. They clinch on the cage. Body shots by Marin. They separate. Boone looks like he doesn't want to fight. The ref again warns them for action. Marin drops him with punches and lets him up. Uppercut by Marin. Marin drops him with punches and again lets him up. Marin drops him again with a cross and hook and lets him up. The ref should have stopped it by now. Marin lands more punches and drops him and the ref finally stops it.
Result: Ruben Marin by KO at 2:24 of Round 1
4. Amateur Welterweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Jason Thompson (1-1) vs Lance Lee (9-11)
RD 1: Leg kick by Lee. They clinch on the cage. Body shots by Lee. Thompson gets a takedown into guard. The ref warns them for action. Head shots by Thompson. They stand clinched on the cage. Knee to the leg by Thompson. Takedown by Thompson and he gets his back and lands head shots. They stand and trade punches.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Thompson
RD 2: They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Thompson into side control. Thompson lands head shots. Thompson gets his back and lands head shots and looks for a rear naked. More head shots by Thompson. Thompson gets mount and lands more punches. Lee rolls and gets on top and lands head shots.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Thompson
RD 3: They clinch on the cage. They drop down with Thompson on top in side control. Head shots by Thompson. Thompson gets his back and the rear naked for the tap.
Result: Jason Thompson by Tapout (Rear Naked Choke) at 1:48 of Round 3
5. Amateur Featherweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Jenry Ferrara (1-1) vs Jesse Moore (2-0)
RD 1: Leg kick by Ferrara. Takedown by Ferrara and he gets mount. Nice sweep by Moore to get on top in guard. They scramble and Ferrara gets a gogoplata for the tap.
Result: Jenry Ferrara by Tapout (Gogoplata) at 1:37 of Round 1
6. Amateur Middleweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Arvin Brad (7-5) vs Max Humphrey (2-0)
RD 1: They trade punches. They clinch and move to the cage. Takedown by Brad but Humphrey gets on top and then gets his back and a rear naked for the tap.
Result: Max Humphrey by Tapout (Rear Naked Choke) at 0:38 of Round 1
7. Amateur Featherweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Dustin Stewart (2-5) vs R.J. Crouch (0-0)
RD 1: They clinch and trade punches and move to the cage. Takedown by Stewart into guard bu Crouch gets a guillotine and the tap.
Result: R.J. Crouch by Tapout (Guillotine) at 0:35 of Round 1
8. Amateur Flyweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Myles Malone (1-3) vs Danny Patton (2-0)
RD 1: Leg kick by Malone. Malone drops him with a head kick and gets on top in half guard. Malone tries to get mount bu can't. He tries again and gets it and lands head shots. Patton tries for a leg but can't get it. Body shots by Malone. Head shots by Malone. Malone stands and drops down punches. Patton goes for a heel hook and Malone drops into guard. Body shots by Malone.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Malone
RD 2: They clinch on the cage. Knee to the leg by Patton. They separate. Malone lands a kick low stopping action. They resume and trade punches. Hook by Malone. Takedown by Malone and he gets mount and lands head shots.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Malone
RD 3: Takedown by Malone into half guard. Body shots by Malone. The ref stands them. They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Malone and he lets him up. Malone drops him with a head kick and gets on top landing punches till the ref stops it.
Result: Myles Malone by TKO at 1:39 of Round 3
9. Amateur Bantamweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Cody Matthews (3-0) vs Dylan Wilson (3-0)
RD 1: Matthews catches a kick and takes him down into side control. Wilson goes for an arm bar but Matthews escapes and is in guard. Matthews moves to side control. Wilson tries for an arm again and then stand. Slam by Matthews into guard. Wilson avoids damage well. Punch to the head from the bottom by Wilson. Matthews gets mount and lands head shots.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Matthews
RD 2: Takedown by Matthews into guard. Punch to the head by Matthews. Matthews moves to side control and then mount. Wilson escapes and they stand. Slam by Matthews into side control. Matthews stands and drops back down into guard.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Matthews
RD 3: Cross by Wilson. Takedown by Matthews into guard. Wilson holds him close. Head shots from the bottom by Wilson. Matthews moves to mount but Wilson gets half guard. Matthews gets mount but Wilson escapes and they stand clinched on the cage. They trade knees to the leg. Slam by Matthews.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Matthews
My score card: 30-27 Matthews
Result: Dylan Wilson by Split Decision (scores not read)
10. Amateur Bantamweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Kahlip Skaggs (2-1) vs Seth Mitchell (1-1)
RD 1: Takedown by Mitchell and he pushes him against the cage. Skaggs gets on top and stands and drops down punches and then drops into guard. Skaggs lets him up. Slam by Mitchell into side control. They stand clinched on the cage. Slam by Mitchell into side control. Knee to the body by Mitchell. Mitchell gets his back and lands head shots.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Mitchell
RD 2: Cross by Mitchell. They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Mitchell into side control. Mitchell gets his back and lands head shots and gets a rear naked for the tap.
Result: Seth Mitchell by Tapout (Rear Naked Choke) at 0:41 of Round 2
11. Amateur Flyweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Stacey Miller (0-0) vs Katy Collins (5-3)
RD 1: They clinch on the cage. Knees to the leg by Collins. Takedown by Collins into half guard. Head shots by Collins. They stand clinched on the cage. Punch to the head by Miller. Knee to the leg by Miller. Knee to the leg by Collins. Miller tries for a guillotine.Knee to the leg by Miller and another. Knees to the leg by Collins.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Collins
RD 2: Takedown by Collins and she gets mount and lands head shots till the ref stops it.
Result: Katy Collins by TKO at 0:47 of Round 2
12. Amateur Welterweight 3x3x3 Rounds
Will Lavine (4-1) vs Marco Hutch (5-1)
RD 1: Takedown by Hutch and he lands head shots. Hutch gets his back and looks for a rear naked. Head shots by Hutch. Hutch gets mount and lands head shots. Hutch gets his back and a rear naked for the tap.
Result: Marco Hutch by Tapout (Rear Naked Choke) at 1:09 of Round 1
13. Amateur Super Heavyweight Title 3x3x3x3x3 Rounds
Josh Fairies (8-10-1) vs Shawn Bales (4-3)
RD 1: They clinch on the cage. Takedown by Fairies and he gets his back. They stand clinched on the cage. Fairies works hard and gets a takedown and gets his back and lands head shots till Bales taps.
Result: Josh Fairies by Tapout (Strikes) at 1:27 of Round 1
14. Amateur Featherweight Title 3x3x3x3x3 Rounds
Maegen Goodwin (3-0) vs Courtney Stowe (7-3)
RD 1: Push kick by Goodwin and another. They trade punches. Cross by Goodwin. Push kick by Goodwin but right at the knee which is illegal. Leg kick by Stowe. Jab by Stowe. Cross by Goodwin. They clinch on the cage. Punch to the head by Goodwin. Knee to the body by Goodwin. They separate. Cross by Goodwin. Leg kick by Stowe. Hook by Goodwin.
I scored RD 1: 10-9 Goodwin
RD 2: Leg kick by Stowe. Jab by Stowe. Leg kick by Stowe and another. They clinch on the cage. Punch to the head by Goodwin. They separate. Leg kick by Stowe. They trade hard punches. They clinch on the cage. Knee to the leg by Goodwin. Punch to the head by Goodwin. Knee to the leg by Goodwin. Body shots by Goodwin.
I scored RD 2: 10-9 Goodwin
RD 3: Cross by Goodwin and another. Push kick by Goodwin, again aimed at the knee which is illegal. Two leg kicks by Stowe. Good win lands punches on the cage. Goodwin looks tired. Leg kick by Goodwin. Leg kick by Stowe. Push kick by Goodwin, again aimed at the knee and Stowe is upset about it. Cross and jab by Goodwin. Goodwin lands punches on the cage. They clinch on the cage. Knee to the leg by Goodwin. Takedown by Goodwin and she gets her back and lands head shots.
I scored RD 3: 10-9 Goodwin
RD 4: Leg kick by Goodwin. Body kick by Goodwin. Hook and cross by Goodwin. Goodwin lands the front kick to the knee and is finally deducted a point. Leg kick by Stowe. Leg kick by Goodwin. Goodwin is deducted another point for another front kick to the knee. Stowe accidentally pokes her in the eye as the round ends but the ref misses it.
I scored RD 4: 9-8 Stowe
RD 5: Leg kick by Goodwin. Body kick by Stowe. Goodwin lands punches. They clinch on the cage. Knees to the leg by Stowe. Knees to the body by Stowe. They trade punches. Knee to the leg by Stowe.
I scored RD 5: 10-9 Stowe
My score card: 47-46 Goodwin
Result: Maegen Goodwin by Unanimous Decision (Scores not read)
15. Amateur Interim Lightweight Title 3x3x3x3x3 Rounds
Brian Fahnestock (7-2) vs Mike Breeden (7-3)
RD 1: Takedown by Breeden and he lets him up. They trade punches. They clinch and move to the cage. Breeden gets a guillotine and gets the tap.
Result: Mike Breeden by Tapout (Guillotine) at 0:52 of Round 1
Submission of the Night: Jenry Ferrara
Knockout of the Night: Ruben Marin
Fight of the Night: Maegen Goodwin vs Courtney Stowe
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