I recently got to watch nadia Nixon fight in person. I was told beforehand she had great BJJ. And she displayed that in winning via triangle. However, as Nadia says, she has much more to her game than her BJJ. This win improved her record to 3-3-1, and really could be the start of a great career for her.

Q: First, Nadia I want to thank you for taking the time to do this.
A: Thank you!
Q: Can you start out by telling a little about yourself
A: I train out of Topeka, ks. Went to college 2 years a go to pursue degree in law as well my linguist degree but I have been introduced to Martial arts and fell in love with it
Q: Were you especially athletic growing up? Play any sports?
A: Not really, I was very good student growing up focused only on school, homework and family, I wasn't interested in sport or have time for it at all!
Q: What initially got you started training for MMA?
A: I started working out then I wanted something more challenging so started looking for boxing coach, then best thing happened in my life I was walking and saw a banner saying "School of Martial and Meditative Arts". I instantly was driven to walk in and saw students wearing white uniform at time didn't know that was called gi and their 6th degree kempo karate sensei Steve Twemlow welcomed me in and asked what brought me in.
Q: Was the training something you picked up fairly easy?
A: I started taking self defense classes and my sensei was very impressed with me since day 1, I paid attention and kept practicing and coming back
Q: How long did you train before your first fight?
A: I trained about 6 month in mma including bjj, kickboxing, conditioning and cardio back in May 2010 5-6 days a week and lost a split decision against tough and very respectful opponent Jessica Phillipus.

Q: Was fighting something your family and friends supported?
A: My dojo family are 100% supportive, my brothers very much my mom and dad not so much, my mom always tell me to find another sport! Haha
Q: Where do you train at now?
A: I started with Sensei Steve Twemlow at school of martial and meditative arts, and will always be there and added our partner Topeka Jui-jitsu Academy, we have it all and no need to go jumping from gym to gym! I'm very loyal and cant stand the idea of moving around between gyms!
Q: Can you give your overall record so far.
A: MMA 3-3-1, Kickboxing 1-0 105lb 2011 winter national champion, BJJ 1-0 2011 Best of the Best Gold Medalist
Q: Is there one fight you would say you are most proud of?
A; My first fight against Jessica Phillipus, I was very nervous and had very tough first round but I didn't quite, ended up split decision loss

Q: What would you say is your biggest strength and the one thing you most want to improve?
A: My heart, as a fighter u have to have the strongest heart to go inside the cage with someone wants to almost kill u!!! 2 people get in and only 1 is the winner, most people misrepresent me and call me ground fighter because of my decent jiu-jitsu, im a striker with good jiu-jitsu and learned this the hard way as after girls getting punched they lock up and want to go to the ground!!!
Q: Name the one fight you have seen that you will always remember?
A: Machida vs. shogun
Q: Are there any fighters you are a fan of or love to watch?
A: My sensei Steve Twemlow, Anderson Silva , Machida, GSP

Q: In your opinion, who are the top five female fighters in the sport pound for pound?
A: Cyborg, Erika Montoya and Jen case even though they haven't fought in a while, Megumi Fuji, Zoila Frausto.
Q: Do you ever see a major U.S. women's only company being viable?
A: I would say so
Q: Often you watch a show that has one women's fight. Somehow that fight always turns out to be the most exciting fight on the card. Why do you think that is?
A: Women bring it on in everything in life specially in male dominated sport, 2 of my fights were fight of the night!
Q: What is the biggest misconception about female fighters?
A: I think people and media are more open about WMMA now than before I see a lot of support and opportunities for female replacing the misconception that women should only look pretty and not fight!
Q: If another woman told you she wanted to train for the sport, whats the biggest piece of advice you would give her?
A: To find a really good gym or dojo who looks for her best interest and not blow up smoke on her!
Q: Outside of training and fighting, any other hobbies or activities you enjoy?
A: Oh, I train about 5-7 hours a day 6 days a week so when I have chance I love to spend time with my cat!
Q: Can you describe a typical day in the life of Nadia Nixon.
A: Not a big fan of waking up early! I would go to do my cardio and strength, eat, go for techniques and stand up with sensei Steve and the guys, bjj with Marc Monaco, already 8-9 pm then go home, eat, next day all over!
Q: What is one thing people would be surprised to know about you?
A: I'm pretty laid back, but when I fight nothing, no one stops me!
Q: Describe Nadia Nixon in five words.
A: Caring, generous, passionate, determined, loyal
Q: So whats next for you? Any idea when you will be fighting again?
A: July 09th sunflower state games bjj tournament, August 5th title fight for blue corner in Kansas City and looking for kickboxing matches, golden gloves boxing tournaments
Q: Anything you want to take this time to plug or promote?
A: I just wanna thank my teammates at SOMMA / TJJ, my trainers Steve Twemlow and Marc Monaco and my sponsor Hollopoint for believing in me and being supportive and always there for me
Q: Are you looking for sponsors? If so, how can they reach you and what are they getting in Nadia Nixon the fighter and person?
A; For sure! They will see someone very respectful and dedicated to the Martial Arts, fighting is just tiny part of it to demonstrate skills and test abilities, I can be reached at my email: nkw_rekabi@yahoo.com

Q: Nadia, I want to thank you for doing this. Any last words before you go?
A: Thank you! Very honored. I had blast at NAAFS, Nichole Long is great promoter, thanks for giving me the chance with short notice to fight for u