Its been so long since I did a round table, so I decided to do a new one, this one an MMA one. What is the point in these? Nothing really. Just a fun thing to do. Get some answers on some serious things and then get some answers for fun type questions. I got some pro fighters and some amateur fighters. So I got Tamikka Brents, Andria Caplan, Jessica Dinch, Ashley Hawkins, Sarah Maloy, Sarah McLeod, Shawnee Merrell, Diana Rael and Jessica Zomcik. In the first part it is word association and the second part is answers to questions. In each case, the fighter is represented by their initials. In the case of the two Sarah's and Shawnee since they have the same initials, Sarah Maloy will be SMA, Sarah McLeod will be SMC and Shawnee Merrell will be SME.
Word Association
1. Dana White
TB: The Godfather like person of UFC and Strikeforce.
AC: Finally starting to come around.
SMA: Loud
SMC: Douche
SME: Angry bitter man.
DR: Hope he comes around and supports WMMA.
JZ: Powerful
2. Ronda Rousey
TB: Ugh
AC: Armbars
JD: Champion
AH: Armbar
SMA: Louder
SMC: Hot
SME: All around bad ass.
DR: Girls got a mouth; she sells herself well and can back it up.
TB: Awesomely talented and needs more recognition.
AC: On the rise.
JD: Gonna get bigger and better.
AH: Getting bigger.
SMA: Growing
SMC: Awesome
SME: We're coming for ya!
DR: Happy to be on the WMAA roller coaster, the sport is growing and becoming more recognized as a female sport.
JZ: Momentum
4. Megumi Fuji
TB: The Fedor of WMMA.
AC: Rock star!
JD: The original armbar queen.
AH: Will submit you.
SMA: Awesome
SMC: Stud
SME: Heart of a warrior.
DR: One bad ass lil chick! Love watching her flow.
JZ: Tornado
5. Gina Carano
TB: I heard that Haywire movie blew dogs :-) But I still like her :-)
AC: Movies.
JD: Sell out
AH: Still awesome. Needs to come back.
SMA: Beginning
SMC: Overrated
SME: Haywire sucked.
DR: Super big fan, wish she was still fighting. Gina definitely is a pioneer of the sport she has helped the WMMA movement progress and has great skill.
JZ: Return date?
6. Pride
TB: I have a rainbow flag...... what's up??
AC: People should take a bit more in what they do.
JD: Fighting Championships (LOL that was the first thing that came to mind)
AH: Respect
SMA: unnecessary
SMC: Honor
SME: Miesha Tate
DR: The organization? I would love to face stomp people!!!!! JK! “PAIN IS TEMPORARY, PRIDE IS FOREVER!”
JZ: Team
7. Heart
TB: I have that in spades... or in hearts.... you know what I mean.
AC: Everything.
JD: You better have a lot of it in this sport.
AH: Have to have a lot of heart.
SMA: Required
SMC: Consistent
SME: Alexis Davis
DR: Either you got it or you don’t!!!!
JZ: Lots of it.
8. Strength and Conditioning
TB: If they're lacking in a fight, later the talent will lack to.
AC: The fun part haha.
JD: I Fucking love it.
AH: Love it.
SMA: Winner
SMC: Discipline
SME: Ugh, I'm gonna die.
DR: Muscle Milk!!!! GRRRRR!
JZ: Hard ass workouts with Jason Cardinali
9. Honor
TB: My Express cologne...mmmm... smells awesome.
AC: So important.
JD: Respect
AH: Honor people around you.
SMA: Respect
SMC: Pride
SME: Your team and what you stand for.
DR: That is the best thing about MMA is the honor and respect each true athlete has for one another.
10. Performance Enhancers
TB: I don't do them. I don't wanna wake up with a huge wiener or super giants hard nips that I can't get rid of. Well, that's based on what I heard from users and what not.
AC: Cheating.
JD: Tsk tsk Cyborg.
AH: Don't cheat.
SMA: Cheating
SMC: Chicken
SME: Sketchy
DR: BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Why cheat, if you can’t do it naturally you should find a new game to play!!!
JZ: Borderline
1. Can all-female companies such as Invicta be viable long term?
TB: Definitely, they're new up and comers every day in the female divisions. It's like the show Cops, there's always new offenders.
AC: Absolutely!
JD: Yes, I think so. Women's MMA is getting bigger and better every day. But all us females gotta step it up to make it work.
AH: Yes if they can
keep enough fighters and money.
SMA: With a persistent commitment of time and money, I believe it can.
SMC: It's hard to say, but I really hope so.
SME: I feel really that it depends on the strength in which they grow. However, I surely support it.
DR: Women’s MMA is growing you can’t stop us now.
JZ: Yes
2. What was your thoughts when you heard about Cyborg's positive drug test?
TB: I was shocked! Just kidding, well kinda, I don't know a lot about steroids, but from people around me that do, they've said it for a while. She's still a great athlete.
AC: I wasn't all that surprised, but it was still disappointing.
JD: Honestly, I was shocked. I mean, Cyborg looks the part, but I always thought she would be all about being a positive role model, not a positive piss tester lol.
AH: Surprised
SMA: I think for most it was a little expected but sad. However, I too take supplements for health and recovery. I purchase them at GNC and the like. I never thought of checking to see if something sold over the counter without a prescription might be considered a PE. You better believe I did after her statement release! I was safe :)
SMC: Not too surprised.
SME: Holy Balls.. that explains a lot.
DR: Not surprised, hope she learned a lesson and gets her career back on track.
JZ: Cat's outta the bag.
3. Regardless of her winning, did Ronda Rousey deserve her title shot? Why or why not?
TB: No, she talked her way into it, but whatever. I'm definitely not a fan. She got her shot the way Ric Flair would have, but hey, he would be proud.
AC: I'm indifferent on this one. In some ways I think she should have gotten in line like everyone else had to, but at the same time she WAS good enough to win.
JD: Yes! She was 4-0! Did she deserve it before Kaufman? That's a different story.
AH: Yeah, they needed a girl like Ronda in strikeforce.
SMA: Obviously she earned the title, but don't agree that she earned a title shot. However, the outcome did bring benefits to the wmma community. It's sad tho that she is now champ and still doesn't have the respect of many. Just goes to show ya...you have to give respect to receive it!
SMC: I think Sarah Kaufman should have fought for the title ahead of Ronda.
SME: In the aspect of her never fighting at 135... I'd say no. But she went about getting it in a way that means a lot. She stood up, made a statement, and backed up her mouth. She's the female version of Sonnen, and I couldn't be more excited.
DR: I have mixed feelings about this, yes because of her judo back round and no because of her actual MMA experience. Girl can sell herself and backed it up so you can’t hate on her for that.
JZ: Absolutely! Miesha didn't want to loose the belt so she made up an excuse in an attempt to belittle Rousey's talent, if you hold a title, no amount of talk will get you away from the fight. Miesha was scared.
4. What is one thing that is better about women's MMA from a year ago and what is one thing that is worse?
TB: More divisions, more fighters period, and the records are being updated more.
AC: Better: It's finally getting more recognition. Worse: I'm not huge into all of the recent trash talking.
JD: More promotions are starting to showcase women's MMA a lot more. For example, NAAFS had five female fights on their last card. That's awesome! Something that has gotten a lot worse is females showing their half naked asses all over the internet to gain attention. Use your skills inside the cage to get attention. Too many women are only in this sport for the attention. I'm in it to fucking fight because that's what I love to do. Get real broads.
AH: Its getting more attention and the respect it deserves. Girls attitudes are getting worse.
SMA: It's getting easier to find fights, get sponsors and pull attention into our sport. What's getting worse is the conditions we are having to fight under. Every promotion now wants a female fight on their card...it's a crowd draw. Promotions are letting things slide
like missing weight and violating rules in the locker rooms before fights just to not have to scrap the female fight. I've even been matched up with a last minute opponent that was walking around weigh ins eating cookies and still weighed in 8 pounds under the weight
SMC: It's great that we are getting more exposure and the roster of competitors has increased substantially. It's unfortunate that some women are bumped up or given opportunities judging by beauty, when there are more qualified fighters to choose from.
SME: We're being taken more seriously. Davis and Kaufman's fight proved that women put on a way better show then men, no offense. Even a close friend admitted the women fights were much more entertaining then the guys. Even without wardrobe malfunctions. As far as worse goes, we're expanding and it seems as if there aren't any big shows that are getting the showtime that Strikeforce and UFC are getting, and we need that.
DR: One better thing is the weight classes are growing so we have more opponents to fight and the face of WMMA is becoming more publicized. The worse thing would have to be the popularity contest. Some promotions pick off of beauty and popularity, not skill.
JZ: So much more talent has emerged- nothing worse, it can only get better, continually pushing forward
5. What is one thing that can make women's MMA better in one year than it is now?
TB: Hmmmm, Pride entrances....heck yea! And more TV exposure.
AC: Having more women on main cards of shows.
JD: Now that Dana White is a fan of women's MMA, I think good things are gonna happen. Plus Invicta has a huge card with a lot of big name on it. People will be watching! That's definitely gonna help out women's MMA. More promotions showcasing the female fights.
AH: Just keep girl fights happening frequently.
SMA: A promotion like Invicta working tirelessly to bring attention and recognition to our sport.
SMC: A change in the mainstream belief that women should not or cannot fight.
SME: Sending Rousey out to dismantle Dana White, steal his wallet, and make Strikeforce nothing but women's fights.
DR: Its making its progress slowly but surely.
JZ: More women's main events, more hype-it gets the people going.
6. Fighters missing weight seems to be happening frequently. What would your solution be?
TB: 3 strike rule I suppose, but I also think it depends how bad they miss weight. But I think the Anthony Johnson debacle was handled perfectly.
AC: Maybe fines imposed by the commission.
JD: Stop eating fucking Twinkies and get in the damn gym! That simple! Put in the work or find another sport.
AH: Suspend them, fine them, something. It's not fair if you work your butt off, eat right, workout always and are on weight.
SMA: There needs to be some kind of penalty. I don't know the correct solution, but maybe suspensions, monetary penalties, or loosing your entire purse. Especially when weight is missed by more than a couple pounds! Like 10% of your fight purse for every pound you are over with a 90 suspension on top of that.
SMC: Missing weight should result in a suspension of 6 months or even longer.
SME: I think it should be up to the fighter who made weight. Alot of fighters go through and put forth the work to make weight, and they should be allowed to fight if they're okay with it. If a fighter comes in over weight and not with a significant amount over, I'd say let them fight if the fighter who made weight is okay with it.
DR: Don’t take the fight if you can’t make the weight. It all goes back to being a true athlete and honoring and respecting your opponent.
JZ: Make them! No excuse for that to happen.
7. Do you pay attention to rankings? Why or why not?
TB Yes, its more of a competitive thing for me. Like, I am am #3 and I see I'm gonna fight #2, I'm gonna try my damnedest to take her spot.
AC: I pay attention to them, but sometimes someone has a great record because they've hand picked opponents. There are too many factors into someones record and experience to have any ranking system be perfect. It is cool to have an idea of who is in what standing though.
JD: Not so much as an amateur.
AH: I do to see who they have ranked and where. I think they need to be a little more unbiased. Some of them make no sense most of the time.
SMA: Of course! A good fighter needs to know who is out there. You shouldn't just train an aspect of your game because your next opponents warrants it, but be training to be able to beat the best in the game. Train to be better than Sarah Kaufman's stand up or
McMann's wrestling...do that and you will find yourself on top some day.
SMC: Rankings are very biased but I have alot of respect for the people who put them together. It gives you a general idea of where you stand and I have used the rankings list to choose opponents for 3 out of 4 of my last fights.
SME: I don't take a whole lot of stock in them cause they vary so much in other people opinions. But being number one in anyone's opinion is a great feeling. So being number one on multiple rankings can easily make someone feel like their on top of world.
DR: It depends on who and where the rankings come from. Some of them are popularity contest.
JZ: Yes- I think its awesome that the weight divisions are getting so deep you can have top 25 national rankings posted and it gives you names to look for when fighting to improve your rank.
8. What is the most important base for MMA?
TB: I think Wrestling is. Most wrestlers already have the weight cutting thing down pat and Grappling endurance.
AC: Wrestling is quite the equalizer.
JD: They are all important. That's why its called Mixed Martial Arts right?
AH: Honestly, you need to all!! When you're fighting you don't know what your opponent is going to do so you have to know everything.
SMA: It is all important!
SMC: Wrestling is the most important base to have because it allows you to control the pace and where the fight ends up.
SME: Eh, being a stand up kid at heart I'd say Muay-Thai. However, being able to have an outrageous ground game is extremely important. So in that aspect, and because I'm still high on Rousey, I'd say being well rounded in Judo will make you an official bad ass.
DR: Whatever you can make work for you in the sport is important, being comfortable in the cage is key. Conditioning plays a big role in MMA as well.
9. If someone came to you to ask for advice on starting training MMA, whats the first piece of advice you wold give them?
TB: This sport ain't for punk bitches! Cuz I'm probably gonna punch you in the face in the near future....hard.
AC: Do it! Find a reputable gym and get started!
JD: You will sweat, you will bleed, you will cry, you will be sore, you will get injured, if you can't handle that, then get the fuck outta here.
AH: You have to be willing to sacrifice so much to become successful. You have to put 100% into MMA.
SMA: Get ready to love it more every day! And don't let dirty promotions deter you from that love.
SMC: Look for a respectful and honest gym that would treat you well and look out for your best interests. Finding the right gym is step 1. Dedication to your training is step 2-- know that you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.
SME: You have to be able to put in the work to be the best. There's no halfassing it in this sport. Dedication and heart will take you a long way.
DR: Be patient, MMA is not something you just know it is a skill that takes repetition and mental strength.
JZ: Come to DNA first.
10. Which would you prefer, being the first fight and getting it done, fighting in the middle of the card, or fighting the last fight and having to wait?
TB: They all have their ups and downs, people come for the main event, but as a fighter, you wanna fight ASAP. I can't pick.
AC: I like the middle. Gives you more time to warm up, but I do like getting to watch fights after mine.
JD: It doesn't matter to me.
AH: I like to be in the middle. I like to watch a little of the fights while warming up get warmed up fight then relax and watch the rest of fights.
SMA: I have always fought at the end of the card. I would love to fight towards the middle. Have time to get warm, watch a fight and get riled up! Then have time to watch a few after :)
SMC: Personally, I don't have a preference. I have fought first, middle, and last, and it really doesn't matter.
SME: Honestly, I'd prefer being in the middle to last. My nerves get the worst of me, but watching everyone put on a show, gets me ready to put on an even better show.
DR: I really don’t mind when I fight as long as my opponent shows up.
JZ: Middle
11. What is the best fight you ever saw?
TB: Probably either Anthony Pettis vs Ben Henderson or Shogun Rua vs Dan Henderson.
AC: Eddie Alvarez vs Michael Chandler. That was a war!
JD: Sarah Kaufman vs Alexis Davis owns it right now. That was a bad ass fight.
AH: I have seen so many awesome fights I don't have a best lol.
SMA: Man...that's impossible, lol.
SMC: The best fight that I ever saw was my first live female fight- Kelly Kobald vs Julie Kedzie. I was working as a card girl at the event and when the women came out, I left the job and went into the stands to get the best view. I didn't even know that female fighters existed, I was so inspired.
SME: Actually, the best fight I ever saw, was Ty Hamblin vs Tony Hammon. It was Muay Thai, but the most epic show of heart on Ty's part, and cocky elegance from Tony Hammon. It was epic, to say the least.
DR: BJ Penn vs Joe Stevenson
JZ: Jason Dent vs Chris Lozano
12. If you could make one men's fight and one women's fight, what would they be?
TB: Me vs Ronda Rousey....what up homie? Jon Jones vs Anderson Silva.
AC: Men: Anderson Silva vs Hector Lombard. Women: Ronda Rousey vs Sara McMann.
JD: Nate Diaz vs Anthony Pettis and Jessica Eye vs Zoila Gurgel.
AH: Rematch Nick Diaz vs Carlos Condit and Sarah Kaufman vs Ronda Rousey.
SMA: Kaufman and Rousey(I know it's gonna happen, but I can't wait!) wanna see GSP fight any body when he recovers.
SMC: GSP vs. Jake Ellenberger... And Zoila Frausto vs. Jessica Eye.
SME: Honestly I want to see Jeremy Horn fight again... period. Doesn't matter who, just want to see him fight. As far as women go, if Cyborg got down to 135, I'd love to see her fight Rousey. Especially if Rousey got her ducks in a row for stand up.
DR: Cyborg vs Ronda Rousey, Carlos Condit vs Paul "Semtex" Daley.
JZ: Jon Jones vs Anderson Silva, Ronda Rousey vs Cyborg.
13. Who is one person you would love to spend a day training with?
TB: I'm gonna go with the Skrap Pack... they're always together so it's like one person...kinda.
AC: Probably Cris Cyborg just out of curiosity.
JD: The Diaz brothers.
AH: The Diaz brothers.
SMA: I got to spend some time training with Greg Jackson in Vegas and I loved it! I think people underestimate the importance of the mind in fighting. He has so much to teach.
SMC: Zoila Frausto or Jessica Eye.
SME: I'd honestly love to train an entire day with Jessica Philippus. She's a fantastic fighter, and person. And is someone I genuinely look up too.
DR: BJ Penn
JZ: Eduardo Telles
14. If they made a horror movie with fighters, who would play 1. The killer 2. The helpless victim 3. The hero who saves the day?
TB: The killer would be Ronda Rousey, the victim would be Miesha Tate and the hero would be...ME!!!
AC: Killer: Nick Diaz Victim: Michael Bisping Hero: Chael Sonnen.
JD: The killer would be Chael Sonnen LOL. He just seems like he would kill somebody. Anderson Silva would be the victim, but I don't think he'd be helpless, and Dana White to the rescue LOL I don't know.
AH: Brock Lesnar is the killer. The helpless victim is Ben Henderson. Hero would be Randy Couture.
SMA: 1. Randy Couture 2. Brock Lesnar 3. Gina Carano(she has experience now ;)
SMC: The killer: Zoila Frausto; helpless victim: Megumi Fuji; hero that save the day: Jessica Eye.
SME: 1.Would totally be Cyborg... No pun intended. And no disrespect, but she's a beast! 2.) The victim could easily be, Brock Lesnar, cause well, you know :) and 3 the hero would have to be...... Randy Couture.. cause I pretty much love him
DR: 1. Nick Diaz 2. Gina Carano 3. Ronda Rousey (Via armbar)
JZ: 1. Frankie Edgar 2, Brock Lesnar 3. Roy Nelson
15. If they did an old school UFC eight woman tournament with the eight best fighters, who would be in it and who would win?
TB: Megumi Fuji, Cyborg, Sarah Kaufman, Miesha Tate, Ronda Rousey, Marloes Coenen, Jessica Aguilar and Gina Carano.
AC: Megumi Fuji, Meisha Tate, Ronda Rousey ,Sara McMann ,Zoila Gurgel, Marloes Coenen, Sarah Kaufman, Roxanne Modafferi. I think Sara McMann might win that.
JD: Cyborg, Miesha Tate, Ronda Rousey, Sarah Kaufman, Jessica Eye, Zoila Gurgel, Marloes Coenen, and Alexis Davis.
AH: Jessica Eye, Zola Gurgel, Sarah Kaufman Megumi Fuji, Aisling Daly, Tara Larosa.
SMA: Marloes Coenen, Megumi Fuji, Tara LaRosa, Cat Zingano, Sara Mcmann, Miesha Tate, Zoila Gurgel, Sarah Kaufman...winner-Kaufman
SMC: Ronda Rousey, Sarah Kaufman, Cris Cyborg, Zoila Frausto, Tara Larosa, Marloes Coenen, Jessica Eye, Miesha Tate: Winner is Cyborg (if she passes the drug test).
SME: With weight aside, I'd say Miesha Tate, Sarah Kaufman, Ronda Rousey, Cyborg, Megumi Fuji, Zoila Gurgel, Alexis Davis, and Michelle Waterson with the win, cause it's us little ones you gotta watch out for ;)
DR: Megumi Fuji , Ronda Rousey, Cyborg, Gina Carano, Marloes Coenen, Tara LaRossa, Shayna Baszler, Vanessa Porto Winner: The Fans
JZ: Ronda Rousey, Zoila Gurgel, Sarah Kaufman, Megumi Fuji, Alexis Davis, Marloes Coenen, Tay Stratford, Elaina Maxwell. Rousey-all by arm bar.
16. If you weren't fighting, what other sport would you most want to be involved in?
TB: Female football league or soccer prolly. I like a bunch of sports. Maybe rugby? They get physical.
AC: Wrestling or maybe football.
JD: Basketball. It was my life growing up I can drain 3's all day :-)
AH: Playing fast pitch softball!!
SMA: I played basketball for Murray State, so I would probably go back to that.
SMC: If I wasn't fighting I would be much more committed to bikini competitions.
SME: Swimming, I swam competitively for 6 years, it was something I probably would’ve excelled at, however, the politics sucked at my High School so I threw in the towel and hit a sport that hit back.
DR: Snowboarding
JZ: Anything fast and dangerous.
17. What celebrity or athlete (except another MMA fighter) would you most want to see fight in an MMA fight? Why?
TB: Tony Jaa vs Anderson Silva... that'd be baller. Or Chuck Norris vs the entire UFC! Sorry UFC :-)
AC: Mike from Jersey Shore because it would be fun to watch him get buried in there.
JD: Al Bundy, he's a Black Belt in BJJ.
SMA: Angelina Jolie...it would be funny to see the epitome of female badness in the movies get jacked up, lol!
SMC: Chuck Norris...because he can't be defeated!
SME: Jason Stathum, cause he plays such a bad ass in every other movie.. why not? Plus his accent is amazing.
DR: Tonya Harding, there is something I don’t like about her and would love to watch her get whooped on.
JZ: Brad Pitt, To see if he can fight in real life like he does in movies.
18. What fighter should write a biography?
TB: Who doesn't have one written? I don't know. "The Life and Times of Cannabis Boxing and Weed Jitsu: The Nick Diaz Story.
AC: Megumi Fuji. She's been in the sport so long and probably has some cool stories.
JD: Nick Diaz
AH: Ronda Rousey
SMA: Randy Couture
SMC: Cyborg
SME: You know, really every fighter should. Everyone has their own story as to why they started, why not hear all of them?
DR: Pac Man
19. The move of my life would be called? And my character would be played by?
TB: "Oops I Punched You Again". My character would be played by Michelle Rodriguez, no I'm not a Latina, but she's bad ass or the chick that played Columbiana....she's gangster.
JD: "Stop Snitching" played by me LOL.
SMA: MILF *Mom I'd Like to Fight, bwhahaha! Any hotness would do, double bwhahaha.
SMC: "TNT Go Boom"...played by Whoopi Goldberg.
SME: "Unexplainable Antics". Not really sure who would play me, they just got to be awesome.
DR: "In Japan I am huge!" Played by someone very small.
JZ: "Gentle Persuasion"- played by Sigourney Weaver
20. Anything you want to add or anyone you want to thank?
TB: Get ready suckas, new and improved me is on the way! And I'd like to thank Body Quest, Complete Nutrition, AMB Construction, my bro Bobby for getting me into the sport period, Team Warrior Concepts(my fight family), the awesome members of TWC that help motivate me everyday especially Morgan & Brea! Scot and Jenn Ward for being my second set of parents, Trevor Ward, Lex James, Frank Sloan, Hunter Ansell, Dave Utinske, Trish Murphy & Renee "Magic Hands" Dean. They're the behind the scenes people that prepare me for my fights or fix me when I'm broken along side Scot and Jenn. My Dad for being so supportive and my gf Kristina who makes cutting weight not so bad and doesn't seem to get tired of rubbing me down with bio freeze all the time <3 and Jason "Sweet Cheeks" Adams for being awesome :)
AC: Thank you to Daddis Fight Camp for giving me the best training possible and a second family. Thank you to Matrix fights and Cage Fury Fighting Championships for being the best people ever to work with. And thank you to my sponsor Rockstar Ink. Al Amoroso is a sick tattoo artist!
JD: Thanks to you for doing this :-)
AH: Yes thank you to my sponsors, Promoting Real Women(Jason Adams), foundation fight co.(Kody Tuttle). Everyone who helped me train for my last fight. Especially Jessica Dinch, Jessica Eye and Pablo Castro from Strong Style for cornering me and helping prepare for the fight.
SMA: Can't do it without my families...blood fam, church fam, gym fam!
SMC: Thank you to everyone in my life for all of your positive energy and support. Thank you to all female fighters who continue to inspire me and set a positive example for everyone. Thank you Jason for putting this round table together.
SME: I want to say thank you to you Jason. Your interviews are always so much fun! Second I want to thank Team Outcast in Wyoming! Miss you guys. I want to thank my sponsor S&W Welding. My new found family out here in North Dakota, mainly my sister Kelli and Ralph, for pushing me to succeed. And one last and final shout out to Mrs. Molly Bittler. You're an inspiration, and I pray for you to get well soon! Kick that crap in the ass and get it going!
DR: Thanks to the MMA fans and promoters. And my sponsors PerformanceMMA.com, Archangel fightwear, GurlFytrz, Revolution Chiropractic, Jack-N-Grill, Kevin’s Tatt’s, Pruett Construction, IGo Hard, Typhoon Kennel, and my team the Serial Boxe and AMA.
JZ: I'd like to thank Dan Swift, Al Zuck, Team DNA, Harley Davidson of Erie, and my Strength & Conditioning Coach/Nutritionist/Chiropractor Jason Cardinali.