When Amy Cadwell began training, she didn't like it. However with urging she stuck with it and then actually started fighting. In May, Cadwell made her pro debut a victorious one when she avenged a loss to Cheryl Chan. While her amateur MMA career may not have produced the greatest, she did get some very impressive wins and I think stylistically, she is more suited for the pro ranks and will have a very successful pro career.
Q: Can you talk about how you got started training for the sport?
A: Back in 2006 my ex-boyfriend randomly came upon a Muay-Thai gym. I didn't really know what it was but he was like "we are gonna do this." I tried it out, tried out the classes. I had not watched any fighting, I didn't understand it. I did it for a couple weeks and didn't like it and was gonna quit. I didn't like it, didn't want to fight, didn't want to do it. He pushed me into it. After a couple months, I started getting into it. My coach said "I want you to fight. I want you to train and take a fight" and I was like "what?" I decided to do it because it was like nothing I would ever see myself doing. I put all my energy into it and I did it.
Q: Without that urging to fight, do you think you would have ever wanted to fight?
A: You never know what would have happened but I wanted to quit. I was like "this isn't for me, what am I doing?" I felt all uncoordinated and didn't know what I was doing, I didn't feel I could be good. I had never been in a physical confrontation, it was never anything I thought I would do. I think without that, I wouldn't have gotten into it. You never know what happens in your life, but I wanted to quit.

Q: Not everyone likes the idea of their daughter getting punched in the face, was your family o.k. with you fighting?
A: When I first started fighting my parents were terrified. They came and supported me but they were terrified. My mom saw me getting punched in the face and said she was just about in tears. I won my first fight so that helped persuade her. This was just kickboxing. I have had a lot of people take it wrong and be offended by the idea of women fighting and ask why I do it. I come across a lot of different opinions.
Q: Walking out for that first fight, were you nervous or excited or both?
A: When I started kickboxing, I was totally nervous. I didn't know how I would do or if I could even be a fighter. When I started training for MMA and had my first fight, I wasn't nervous, I knew what I was getting into and what my game-plan was and was ready to go. All the fights are different and I feel it depends on your training camp on how nervous you will be.
Q: When you did the first MMA fight after kickboxing, is it hard to not just stick with what you know and be able to incorporate other things?
A: I have been training on the ground for four years now. I started kickboxing in 2006 and MMA in 2009. By now I am more comfortable on the ground than I am on my feet. I don't have any trouble incorporating my new game. I need to get better at my wrestling so that I can use my ground but I feel I am stronger on the ground. I have trouble because I fall into old kickboxing habits like when i get tired, standing upright and putting myself in danger that way. As far as transitioning to MMA, that hasn't been too much of a problem.
Q: You made your pro debut in May, how did you know you were ready to turn pro?
A: I really didn't know that I was ready. I felt like I was ready to turn pro, like I had been training long enough. I didn't have the best amateur record and didn't perform the way I wanted at the end of my amateur career but I had a lot of tough fights. All the girls I fought were tough. I have been training my ass off and it's been my dream, so why not take a pro fight? My camp this last fight, it was a lot of insecurity, which isn't the way to go into your pro debut, but I was insecure about having a lot of losses and wondered if I was read. My coach supported me and my family and friends supported me. I recently switched camps and that had a big to do in me feeling I could do this and compete with the pros.

Q: Were there any extra nerves for the pro debut as compared to amateur fights?
A: The camp leading up, I was real nervous. I didn't know if I made the right decision. After going through the camp, the day of the fight, I was just gonna go out and do my best. When I went out there I felt relaxed. I think that is why I won, I was relaxed.
Q: Some people I interview say they do better as a pro than as an amateur because pro rules suit what they do better, do you think you fall into that category?
A: Possibly! It might have helped. My cardio has always been good so five minute rounds helped me out. Also, I could use my top control and throw elbows. The main part was I was able to work on my wrestling a lot. The main thing was the camp.
Q: You won a decision over Cheryl Chan, which was a rematch. Is it harder or easier to game-plan for someone you already fought?
A: It was difficult because Cheryl is a tricky fighter. She has a lot of submissions from her back and her stand-up, she is quick. When I fought her the first time, she had a Karate style that she was accurate with. Stand-up wise, the first fight she was beating me and was hard for me to take down and was good from the bottom. I was nervous game-planning for her because we were gonna do the same thing, take her down and use my top control. So I had to train wrestling and how to stay heavy on top and avoid submissions. I had it in my head that this is how she beat me before but I felt I had made enough improvements that I could do it right.
Q: When they announce the decision and you realize you won your first pro fight, what went through your head?
A: The first round she won the first half and I won the second half. Once I got in my groove, I had it in my head that I knew how to win this fight and was about to win. By the end of the fight I knew I won. I was still in shock but I knew I had won. I knew I did enough to win. I felt elated.
Q: You are engaged to a fighter, how much does it help to be with someone who knows what you are going through when for example doing your weight cut?
A: It helps a lot. We support each other a hundred percent. It helps to have someone who understands what you are cutting weight and getting ready for a fight. You have someone who cares about you and loves you and will have advice and see things from a different perspective. We both support each other and are able to train together. We are lucky we can share that passion and go on runs together, train together, do those things together.
Q: Who gets more nervous when the other fights?
A: I think he is more nervous for me. My last camp was rough and there are some days where you feel you are at your worst. He saw me break down crying and he was really nervous. The beginning of my fight I took a big elbow and was bleeding all over. We are new in our relationship so he hasn't been around for all my fights. My fights usually get pretty bloody and I am o.k. and he doesn't realize that. He saw me get opened up and he was scared, he didn't wanna see that.

Q: Any set plans for your next fight?
A: I was planning for Cage Warriors on the fourteenth but I don't know if it will work out. I am hoping to get something at the end of September or early October locally. We are in the process of it.
Q: Long-term is the goal something like Invicta?
A: Yeah! I have been talking to my coach and he wants to get me a couple more local fights and push for Invicta or a bigger show. I wanna fight for the bigger shows and make a statement, so we have been training hard.
Q: Are there any fighters you like to watch and try and learn from?
A: There is a lot of things I admire about a lot of fighters. I admire Leslie Smith. I love watching her fight and her pace and relentlessness. She doesn't stop. I am excited to watch what she has coming next. I really enjoy Jessica Penne. Her ground is on another level and she is so calm and relaxed. There is a lot of people I like to watch.

Q: Anyone you want to thank?
A: My fiance and number one support Dex Montenegro, my coach and manager Will Hammond, he really does a lot for me and works hard for the fighters he manages, Clint Radovich from White Buffalo Warriors, Myriam Cardoso and everyone at Elite BJJ in Redmond My family, my fiance's brother Von Montenegro, everyone at work, I work at Park Ridge Nursing Center, all my sponsors, MMA Madhouse, Klench Mouth Guards, Tussle, Jail Sucks Bail Bonds and Top Rated MMA.
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